Welcome to the PROGRESS podcast! This two-minute teaser will tell you everything you need to know about what the podcast. Stay tuned for some exciting data and interviews about phallo and meta experiences.
Welcome to the PROGRESS podcast! This two-minute teaser will tell you everything you need to know about what the podcast.
The PROGRESS podcast is all about sharing results of a research project about phalloplasty and metoidioplasty and giving context to these results by interviewing folks about their experiences with phallo and meta. PROGRESS was a survey about preparing for, recovering from and changes after surgery; there were many topics included and some of these will be featured through this podcast series. Join us in the first episode for an intro to the project, a phallo and meta 101. In the second episode we will talk about research and everyone can learn a thing or two. The rest of the episodes get into our data and include interviews with community members about the many aspects of these surgeries addressed in our project. You can check out more about our research, see community-focused content and more on our website, or follow us on social media @progresscolab.
The PROGRESS podcast is all about sharing results of a research project about phalloplasty and metoidioplasty and giving context to these results by interviewing folks about their experiences with phallo and meta. PROGRESS was a survey about preparing for, recovering from and changes after surgery; there were many topics included and some of these will be featured through this podcast series. Join us in the first episode for an intro to the project, a phallo and meta 101. In the second episode we will talk about research and everyone can learn a thing or two. The rest of the episodes get into our data and include interviews with community members about the many aspects of these surgeries addressed in our project. You can check out more about our research, see community-focused content and more on our website, or follow us on social media @progresscolab.